Best Natural Remedies to Treat Insomnia Disorders at Home

What Is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder which is characterized by the inability of a person to fall into sleep and or to stay asleep. Insomnia can affect people of all ages and the main symptoms include, difficulty in falling asleep, waking up during the night and difficulty in going back to sleep, waking up too early and feeling tired in the morning after waking up. Insomnia can be short term or long term. The main Causes of insomnia are stress, illness, emotional or physical discomfort, environmental factors like sound, light, hot weather and some medications. The person may feel sleepy during the day and get irritated easily. They will have problems with concentration or memory. It is necessary to treat the underlying conditions to get rid of chronic insomnia. You can try the natural home remedies or approaches to get rid of the problem of insomnia.

Home Remedies For Insomnia

Insomnia Disorders

Insomnia Disorders

Drink Tart Cherry Juice

A ½ cup to a 1 cup of tart cherry juice is a tasty way to drift off to sleep, and is a natural sleep aid that I personally think really helps. Tart cherry juice is a natural sleep aid because it’s full of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that coverts to serotonin, which then coverts to melatonin. Melatonin helps maintain our sleep and wake cycle by causing drowsiness and lowers body temperature, working with the central nervous system to sync our biological clock. Its production is inhibited by light, but released in low light/darkness.


Exercise on a regular basis, and you will sleep better. Not only will you sleep better, but you’ll have more energy when you’re awake-and not just because you slept better, but because exercise has a weird way of helping us go to sleep and giving us more energy. For this reason, don’t work out right before bed, or you’ll likely end up more awake.

Make a Lavender Sleep Sachet

Aromatherapy has a number of different uses, but is perhaps used most often for relaxing or creating a sense of drowsiness. Numerous studies have resulted in science giving a nod to the validity of aromatherapy. People who were exposed to the scent of lavender in the trials experienced better moods, and one study followed brain activity with an EEG machine, which showed the subjects undergoing lavender aromatherapy did in fact show brainwaves suggesting drowsiness, while other scents increased alertness. If you find yourself having a hard time drifting off at night, try making a lavender sleep sachet to stash under your pillow or on a bedside table to help you relax and drift off.

Aloe Vera

Aloevera is an excellent product to make our head cool. Slit aloevera and extract the gel. Mash it and apply it on your scalp. Regular use of aloevera on your scalp makes our head cool, keeps our nerve under control and helps to get a deep sleep. Use it regularly and get the benefit.

Poppy Seeds

Poppy seed is a natural medicine for sleep. Crush few poppy seed into smooth paste and eat it mixing with steamed rice. You will have a good sleep. Mix honey with poppy seed paste and take it before going to sleep. It brings sleep.

Why Sleep is Important for Weight Loss

Sleep is a crucial element for retaining energy and stamina throughout the day. In addition, sleep supports the balance in hormone levels, which significantly affects body weight and body fat. A good night’s sleep allows your body to resolve the physical and mental stresses of the day and provides your body with the vital means to function correctly.

Leptin and Ghrelin

Sleep for Weight Loss

Sleep for Weight Loss

Sleep affects the levels of several hormones in your body. Two hormones that play an important role in stimulating and suppressing your appetite are leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is produced by your body’s fat cells and is responsible for suppressing hunger. Ghrelin is released by your stomach, and stimulates your appetite. Lack of sleep lowers the levels of leptin in your blood and heightens the levels of ghrelin, which results in an increase of appetite. The reverse is also true: getting enough sleep decreases hunger and will therefore help you lose weight.

Growth Hormone

During sleep, your pituitary gland secretes more growth hormones than during your waking hours. Growth hormones stimulate cell regeneration, reproduction and growth. These hormones are also known to aid you in building muscles. This is why higher levels of growth hormones means a heightened metabolism. With a higher metabolism, you burn energy much faster which leads to easier weight loss.


Getting Eight hours of sleep at night helps you lower the cortisol levels in your blood, while lack of sleep raises your cortisol levels. Higher levels of cortisol lead to a lower metabolism. Breaking protein down into glucose is stimulated by cortisol. If you have too much glucose in your body, it will get stored as fat. On top of this, cortisol interferes with your body’s ability to build muscle mass. If you are trying to lose weight, you want to make sure that you have low cortisol levels in your blood. Getting enough sleep helps you do just that.

Rest and Recovery

Exercising regularly is a great way to improve your fitness and shed some pounds. When you exercise, you tire your body and actually inflict small injuries to your muscles. To improve your performance, you have to allow your body to heal. During sleep, your body recuperates the quickest. When you do not sleep enough, you will stay fatigued and your performance level will drop. Sleeping enough will allow your body to rest, recover and grow stronger.

Best Places to visit in Bangkok, the City of Angels

Bangkok is the capital and the most populated city in Thailand with more than 8 million residents in the city itself and over 14.5 million in its metropolitan area. Bangkok is also one of the world’s top tourist destination cities with almost 16 million tourists visiting it each year. The city is so big and has so much to offer, so we picked the best attractions for a first time visitor

Grand Palace & Wat Phra Kaew

Tourist Attractions In Bangkok

Tourist Attractions In Bangkok

Located in the old city area, the Grand Palace is the famous landmark in Bangkok. It was built in 1782 and was the home of the Thai King for 150 years. There are several impressive buildings within the Grand Palace complex, the most important would be Wat Phra Kaew, which means “Temple of the Emerald Buddha”. In order to enter the Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew you must follow a dress code: men must wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts and shoes, while women must wear long skirts. You may rent appropriate clothing items outside the palace if you are dressed otherwise.

Chao Phraya River

The Chao Phraya river flows through Bangkok before it continues to the Gulf of Thailand. It is the most important feature of the city and taking a tour on a long tail boat or cruise on the river is a very recommended experience that can help you understand what Bangkok is all about. On one hand huge skyscrapers along the river and on the other hand, on the sideways small canals, some locals live in floating wooden houses.


Bangkok has a reputation for its active Night life and club with the more famous areas being Patpong, Nana or Soi Cowboy and is dotted with bars and red light areas which feature regular shows by lady boys, pole dancers and excellent live music.

Floating Market

A floating market is a market where the goods, mostly fruits, vegetables and cooked Thai food are sold right off the boat. The most famous floating market is the Domnoen Saduak floating market, located in Ratchaburi, close to Bangkok. You cruise the narrow canals of the market with a guided tour boat, and even though the market is packed with tourists, the atmosphere is great. The entire visit, heading from Bangkok to the market and back should take around half a day.

Khaosan Road

Perhaps the most famous street in Bangkok, Khaosan is a short street, about 1 km north of the Grand Palace. The street offers cheap accommodation mainly for backpackers and other on-budget travelers, many travel agencies that can help you with your every wish, shops that sell just about everything, and at night the street accommodates some bars.